• RP2405 paver completes ultra-wide paving


 RP2405 ultra-wide paver is used to form a 20-meter-wide road base at one time. This super-wide water stabilization layer paving construction is the first in the world.

According to the traditional high-speed construction method, the paving uniformity decreases when two pavers are combined, and the resulting joint is an important hidden danger for future durability.

The maximum paving width of XCMG RP2405 has reached the industry's widest 24m. With the maximum productivity of 1800t/h and high-quality operation capacity, it has completed the cement-stabilized soil paving operation with a width of 20m and a thickness of 32cm.

Subsequently, RP2405 carried out the construction of a super-wide asphalt surface layer with a width of 19.5m and a thickness of 6cm. In this link, the stability of equipment operation is the biggest influence on construction quality, and RP2405 realizes stable construction of large-width paving through ultra-long track design, 5 series electronic control system, and the latest screed with a rigidity increase of 35%. a substantial increase in sexuality.

According to the inspection results, the construction of the RP2405 asphalt surface layer performed very well in terms of paving flatness, segregation control, and pavement water permeability, setting an example for domestic brands in the construction of high-grade pavement asphalt layers.

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